

Someone said to me,
“the sky is just a glass dome
shielding us from a cold world where we
wouldn’t survive
and when it’s dark outside
you can see the snow collected on the sky,”
and there are three things about this snowfall sky
that I have a problem with,
personally, globally, creatively.

I’ve always looked up at the sky
no matter where I am.
I’ve looked up
from grass, sand, rooftops,
even the deathbeds of my friends.
My backdrop keeps changing
but the sky has always been my
go-to repeat binge-watching show.
I draw inspiration from it
and you’re telling me that something
that makes me so strong
also shatters?
I don’t believe that.
If you do that to me,
then my knees will give out
and buckle so bad
you’ll call it an earthquake.

Humans are so strong,
I am so strong
that I’d survive a god-made apocalypse
made of just broken hope stories
where finding love is like solving
an eleven by infinite-eleven Rubik’s.
The girls I’ve loved
were so brave
that even after breaking down,
they would always stand back up,
heal themselves,
help others,
and love again and again.
The cities I’ve known stand so tall
that sometimes they break through the snowfall sky
and even then,
they never look down
on me or my billion friends.
The gods I’ve loved are so human
and the humans I’ve loved are so god,
that you should trust me when I say,
we would survive anything.

Maybe I can picture a glass dome and
a weird, cold, unknown world
but I refuse to creatively believe
that if this world is a home that science couldn’t find
then gravity works there the same way.
In that world,
snow goes up,
people fly but want to walk,
and everybody rises in love.
The bad people go further up to hell,
and the good people fall through their soil
and our sky
into human lives.

And so,
I will not believe
that we’re the heart
and the sky is just the ribcage,
no matter how nice that sounds.

Into stories? – Strip-poetry
Instagram – @myspirals

Published by

Utsav Raj

Poets, madness and lies.

32 thoughts on “limitless.”

  1. Wow, as much as I love free verse, I love structure in poetry.
    The mark of great expression is simplified expression.
    Just loved how you did it here..

    The highlight for me in 1 was:

    “My backdrop keeps changing
    but the sky has always been my
    go-to repeat binge-watching show”

    In 2 it was:

    “The gods I’ve loved are so human
    and the humans I’ve loved are so god,
    that you should trust me when I say,
    we would survive anything.”

    In 3 it was:

    “people fly but want to walk,
    and everybody rises in love.”



  2. I don’t think I have enough words to describe how empowering this was. How this absolutely stripped all my broken hopes and ignited my beliefs. I loved this ❤️


  3. The first reason where you said your knees will give out and buckle almost made me cry, reminding me that there are things people seek inspiration from, things that they hold on to as their happy place or a source of serenity and yet people just tell them what they are gaining the positivity from, what they are taking the shelter from are all nothing and tit’s just worthless, and that everything breaks.
    The second gives me hope and the third reason where at the end you refused to believe that the sky is a rib cage, well it honestly does sound so beautiful.
    Like every single other poem of yours, I love this too, so much.


  4. “And you’re telling me that something that makes me so strong also shatters?”
    I love this line because it could be a metaphor for hope.
    Because when we believe that a glass dome limits our possibilities,
    Someday it’ll shatter and come crashing down.
    And when that happens, all we need to do is remind ourselves of the infinite sky out there,
    And that we are not the heart,
    And the sky is not the rib cage.
    You write beautifully:)


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